Proposal Deadline
The Student Travel Program has modified the proposal deadlines in an effort to make the proposal process more streamlined and accessible. The new proposal deadline is 30 days prior to the first date of travel.
Qualifying Travel
The Student Travel Program is a student fee funded program that provides travel grants for MSU Denver students. These grants help fund the cost of transportation, registration and lodging for qualified individuals or student groups wishing to attend regional, national, or international professional development events/meetings. Individual students, pairs or student groups may apply for funding once each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
Travel must be related to the participant’s area of study or leadership position on campus. The Student Travel Program does not support travel unrelated to a student’s area of study, attending courses at other schools, or general research costs. Study abroad and other forms of travel for credit are not permitted.
The following forms of professional development are eligible for program participation:
- Workshops
- Conferences and conventions
- Seminars
- Competitions (non-athletic, co-curricular only)

The lead student must complete the Student Travel Program Orientation Form (click on the following link for the Student Travel Program Orientation Form) prior to the proposal deadline. This form is part of the application process. This form provides and overview of the program, application process, and what to expect as you navigate the various steps of the program. Failure to complete this form prior to the proposal deadline will result in a 10-point deduction from the scoring rubric used to determine funding. Please pay close attention to proposal deadlines. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. The Student Travel Program proposal must be student-led.
Funding Overview
Students are able to receive funding once per fiscal year. The fiscal year begins in July and continues through the following June (e.g.,Fiscal year 2023-2024 runs from July 1, 2024– June 30, 2025).
The Student Travel Program will consider funding the following:
- Transportation to and from the event. Transportation may include airfare and/or ground transportation.
- Event registration
- Lodging
The Student Travel Program does not provide funding for meals or other incidental expenses. Student proposals for international travel must be approved by the Associate Vice President, Student Engagement & Wellness.

If funding is approved, what happens next?
Each individual, pair or group awarded funding through the Student Travel Program is required to meet with the Program Manager of the Student Travel Program to finalize travel arrangements and to discuss their obligations and responsibilities as a part of their travel award. Upon return, students and the advisor are required to complete an evaluation Form (sent via email for completion within two weeks of return from travel).
- Individual Funding – One student attending a professional development event. Eligible for up to $650.
- Pair Funding – Two students attending a professional development event. Eligible for up to $1,300.
- Group Funding – Three or more students attending a professional development event. Eligible for up to $2,000.
Student Travel Advisor Info
The opportunity to serve as an advisor for students attending a professional development event is priceless. Often students return from these travel experiences with a newfound excitement that cannot be duplicated in a traditional classroom experience. It is these travel opportunities that often determine a student’s career goals and aspirations. For an advisor to play a role in a student’s development is pivotal to his/her success at MSU Denver.
All students (both undergraduate and graduate students) must have a travel advisor (MSU Denver faculty or professional staff member) agree to accompany them on the trip. Students will not be eligible to apply for funding unless they have an approved travel advisor. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the proposal and presentation. The travel advisor may only be listed on a maximum of 3 proposals per professional development event. One advisor may not accompany more than 3 groups/pairs/individuals to one professional development event. This rule applies to group, pair, and individual funding.
Please note the deadlines for proposal submissions. There will not be any exceptions made to these deadlines. The travel advisor must adhere to all MSU Denver travel policies outlined in the Travel Guide. If the mode of transportation decided upon is an automobile, the advisor must either travel in the same car or in a caravan situation, with the students.
Additionally, the advisor must complete the Student Travel Advisor’s Role & Responsibilities Form. This form must be submitted before the deadline for which the group is applying for. In addition to completing this form, the advisor must attend the student presentation.
Once funding has been received the advisor will work with the Lead Student and Director of Student Travel to make the student(s) travel arrangements.
Student Eligibility
- Participation in the Student Travel Program may be contingent on a student’s prior behavior at the University. Conduct history is checked through the Dean of Students Office for all participants. A student conduct file does not automatically prohibit participation in the program, but will be considered along with the application materials.
- All students (both undergraduate and graduate) must have a travel advisor (MSU Denver faculty or professional staff member) agree to accompany them on the trip. Student Travel does not provide funding for the travel advisor. Students will not be eligible to apply for funding unless they have an approved travel advisor.
- Students who receive a Student Travel grant will not be eligible to apply again for funding until the following fiscal year. Student Travel recognizes July 1st – June 30th as the fiscal year for funding.
- Employees of MSU Denver are not eligible even if they are a student. Employees have access to professional development funds through their departments and the University.
Undergrad & Graduate Student Requirements
Students must be enrolled in at least 1 credit of coursework on the Main (Auraria) MSU Denver Campus the semester they plan to travel. Extended campus courses, correspondent courses and other coursework exempt from the Student Affairs Fee do not count toward the 1-credit requirement. No exceptions can be made for this enrollment requirement.
How to Apply
The following actions/items are required for a Student Travel Proposal to be considered for funding:
- The lead student must complete the Student Travel Program Orientation Form (click on the following link for the Student Travel Program Orientation Form) prior to the proposal deadline. This form is part of the application process. This form provides and overview of the program, application process, and what to expect as you navigate the various steps of the program. Failure to complete this form prior to the proposal deadline will result in a 10-point deduction from the scoring rubric used to determine funding.
- The Student Travel Proposal Form, Student Travel Waiver, Responsibilities and Conduct Form(s), and the Travel Advisor Role and Responsibilities Form must be submitted in accordance with the proposal submission deadline. Each student in your group must complete the Student Travel Waiver, Responsibilities and Conduct Form.
Student Travel Committee
The Student Travel committee consists of MSU Denver faculty, staff, and students. The Student Travel committee has four regular voting members.
The committee members include the following:
- Program Manager (non-voting member, committee chair)
- Student Government: The Student Advocacy Council representative
- Student Travel Assistant (student employee)
- Faculty/Staff representative
- Student at-large
Funding allocations are based on the following criteria:
- Completion of Student Travel Program Orientation Form
- Thoroughness and quality of proposal materials and completion of all application requirements
- Academic enrichment of the event (both to those attending and to the MSU Denver student body)
- Personal goals
- Enhancement of diverse thinking at MSU Denver
- Skill development
- How you will share the knowledge learned
- How the travel proposal supports the educational mission of the University
- Personal enrichment of the event to the individual(s) attending
- Compliance with all MSU Denver and State of Colorado fiscal rules
- Availability of funds
The committee scores each proposal utilizing a scoring rubric. The individual or lead student will receive a copy of the scoring rubric during their consultation. Funding decisions may be appealed to the Associate Director for Student Experiential & Professional Development for reconsideration in special situations.
- Late or incomplete proposals will not be accepted.
- Last minute changes accruing a fee are the financial responsibility of the organization, club or individual making the changes, not the responsibility of the Student Travel Program.
- No funding is available for any individuals other than MSU Denver students as this is a student fee funded program. The program is unable to fund faculty or staff.
- A travel advisor is required to accompany students on trips. This helps to enhance the educational experience of the students, ensure positive institutional representation and participation, ensure proper conduct and handle any emergency that may arise while traveling.
- All students applying for Student Travel funding must read and electronically sign the Student Travel Waiver, Responsibilities and Conduct Form when they apply for funding.
- Each student traveling is expected to abide by the Code of Conduct while traveling as a representative of MSU Denver.
- Incomplete forms or non-compliance with any condition of this program could result in refusal of funding for the individual or the organization for the following academic year.
- If a student does not travel for any reason and registration, lodging and/or transportation have been purchased, that student is responsible for paying back all expenses to the program. If the student chooses to not pay the program back, that student may have to go through the conduct process.
Proposal Due Dates
Please note:
- All proposals must be complete, and include all electronic signatures and attachments as indicated in the Proposal form description. Incomplete or late proposals will not be accepted.
- Proposals must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the first date of travel
Student Travel Forms
The following forms must be completed by the lead student:
The following forms must be completed by each additional student traveling:
The Travel Advisor must complete the following form:
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Student Travel Program funding cover meals, books, and supplies?
No, we only cover transportation, event registration, and lodging.
Can I apply for funding for study abroad or general research costs? No, the program does not support study abroad or travel unrelated to the student’s area of study.
Can I stay at my family/relative’s house when I travel? Yes, the funding is for all forms of transportation and lodging.
What if I want to change accommodation/flight after I submit my proposal? Please notify the Program Manager to discuss the changes and possible adjustments to your grant.
Can I arrive earlier than the actual date of the event? You can arrive one day before and depart one day after the event. If you plan to spend more than one day before or after, we cannot cover the additional expenses.
How can I make sure that all the forms submit successfully? You will be shared a folder by the Student Travel Assistant to check if our program has received your forms for the review process.
Can I use a travel grant for a virtual event? You can not utilize the Student Travel Program for a virtual event. However, you can refer to another program called Local & Online Professional Development.
How are travel grants disbursed? Funds are typically reimbursed after travel upon submission of receipts.
What if I can not find a travel advisor? I would encourage you to reach out to your Department Chair to see if they can help connect you to other faculty or MSU employees.
How a travel advisor can receive a travel grant? Travel Advisors can address to FAS program for travel funding.
Contact the Classroom to Career Hub about the Student Travel Program
Program Contact: David Bourassa
Student Travel & Professional Development Funding is a student fee funded program within the Classroom to Career Hub.
Phone: (303) 615-0606
Email: [email protected]
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